It’s Not Too Late To Get Into College!
For those of you who applied to college this year, you know that the official decision day for committing to a college is May 1. But wait, what if you did not get accepted by any of the colleges where you applied? Or you got some acceptances, but not anywhere you really want to attend?
There is still something you can do! Every year, the National Association for College Admissions Counseling publishes a list of colleges that still have openings.
You can find the list for 2024 at–publications/Research/CollegeOpenings/
If you are thinking that there are no good quality colleges on this list, think again. The list includes all types of colleges: public, private, large, small, liberal, conservative, and more.
You may be wondering how it can be possible that good quality colleges still have openings. It’s all about yield. Every year, colleges have to guess how many of the applicants they admit will commit to their schools. Sometimes they guess incorrectly, and spaces open up. This matching process is even more complex for smaller schools that may serve a unique set of students, are located in more remote places, or are simply less well-known than larger institutions.
You should know, however, that you must still fit the colleges’ qualifications for admission. Not sure if you qualify? Pick up the phone and call today. You could be going to college in the fall!